"Ek Nahin Maneinge Hum Vrindavan Javeinge | Lalit Kishori Kon Kachone, Pare Kunj Gun Gaveinge" - Shri Lalit Kishori

"एक नहीं मानेंगे अब हम वृन्दावन जावेंगे |
ललित किशोरी कौन कचोने, परे कुञ्ज गुन गावेंगे ||"
- ललित किशोरी

"Ek Nahin Maneinge Hum Vrindavan Javeinge |
Lalit Kishori Kon Kachone, Pare Kunj Gun Gaveinge"
- Shri Lalit Kishori

Shri Lalit Kishori Says: "We will not listen to anyone who is stopping
us to go to Vrindavan. Let me get an opportunity to reside in some
corner under a grove at Vrindavan and sing the glories of Radha Krishn."

Website: www.brajrasik.org 
