"Aathon Yam Vase Ura Nainan, Lalit Madhuri Jori Ju, Ab to Yahe Kripa Kari Dije, Aho Swamini Mori Ju." - Shri Lalit Kishori, Abhilash Madhuri
"Aathon Yam Vase Ura Nainan, Lalit Madhuri Jori Ju,
Ab to Yahe Kripa Kari Dije, Aho Swamini Mori Ju."
- Shri Lalit Kishori, Abhilash Madhuri
O My Swamini Shri Radhey Ju, When will you bless me so that I will imbibe the nectar of Yugal Ras (Radha Krishn together) each and every moment, night and day.
Website: www.brajrasik.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brajrasik
plorinin-chi Damein Medina https://wakelet.com/wake/k2p44PFZRfEJSGJsL7mw8