"Bhajan Ras Mai Vipin Dhar, Samujhi Base Jo Koi | Prem Beej Tihin Khet Mein, Tab Hi Ankur Hoi" || 59|| - Shri Dhruvdas - Vrindavan Shat Leela (59)

"Bhajan Ras Mai Vipin Dhar, Samujhi Base Jo Koi |
Prem Beej Tihin Khet Mein, Tab Hi Ankur Hoi" || 59||
- Shri Dhruvdas - Vrindavan Shat Leela (59)

The land of Vrindavan is fully engrossed with the bliss of devotion (like a nectarine farm) which is ideal for the devotion. The seeds of Prema Bhakti will surely sprout in the hearts of those, who resides here accepting this fact.

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