"Brahmeshwaradi Suduruh Padarvind, Shrimat Parag Param Adbudh Vaibhavya, Sarvath Sar Ras Vashuk Kripa Drishtes, Tasya Namasto Vrishabhu bhuvo Mahime" - Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu, Shri Radha Sudha Nidhi (2)

"Brahmeshwaradi Suduruh Padarvind, Shrimat Parag Param Adbudh Vaibhavya,
Sarvath Sar Ras Vashuk Kripa Drishtes, Tasya Namasto Vrishabhu bhuvo Mahime"
- Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu, Shri Radha Sudha Nidhi (2)

Obeisances to the glory of Sri Vrsabhanu's daughter Shri Radha. The glories of her lotus feet knows no bounds. Such is the magnitude of those lotus feet that It is very difficult for even Lord Brahma, Siva and all the demigods to attain the pollen of her lotus feet. Her merciful glance showers the best of all nectars!
