"Mahima Vrindava Vipin Ki, Kaise ke Kahi Jaye, Aise Rasik Kishor Dou, Jamein Rahe Lubhay" - Shri Dhruvdas, Vrindavan Shat Leela - 34

"Mahima Vrindava Vipin Ki, Kaise ke Kahi Jaye,
Aise Rasik Kishor Dou, Jamein Rahe Lubhay"
- Shri Dhruvdas, Vrindavan Shat Leela - 34

Who can describe the glory of Shri Vrindavan, even Shri Radha Krishn themselves are getting pleased in drinking the nectar of bliss of Vrindavan all the time.

Website: www.brajrasik.org
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