"Satprem Rashi Sarso Viksat Sarojam, Swanand Sidhi Ras Sindhu Vivendranendum, Tachshri Mukham Kutil Kuntal Brigam Juchtam, Shri Radhika Tav Kada Nu Vilokyachiche" - Shri Hita Harivansh Mahaprabhu - Shri Radha Sudha Nidhi (24)

"Satprem Rashi Sarso Viksat Sarojam, Swanand Sidhi Ras Sindhu Vivendranendum,
Tachshri Mukham Kutil Kuntal Brigam Juchtam, Shri Radhika Tav Kada Nu Vilokyachiche"
- Shri Hita Harivansh Mahaprabhu - Shri Radha Sudha Nidhi (24)

O Sri Radhikey, when shall I behold indeed thy most beautiful pure face, which resembles the unfolding lotus in the brimming lake of true love, which is like the moon causing the swelling tide in the nectareous ocean of thy inherent bliss, and is embellished by pendulous tresses like hovering black honey bees?

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