Aaaju Kee Banik Pyare Teri - Pad Written By Swami Shri Haridas Ji

"आजु की बानिक प्यारे तेरी , प्यारी तुम्हारी छवि बरनी न जाइ छबि|
इनकी स्यामता , तुम्हारी गौरता, जैसे सित-असित बैनी, रही ज्यौं भुवंगम दबी ||
इनकौ पीताम्बर, तुम्हारौ नील निचोल, ज्यों ससि कुंदन जेब रबि|
श्री हरिदास के स्वामी स्यामा-कुंजबिहारी की,
सोभा बरनी न जाये, जो मिलें रसिक कोटि कवी ||"

"aaju kee baanik pyaare teree, pyaaree tumhaaree chhavi baranee na jai chhabi|
inakee syaamata , tumhaaree gaurata, jaise sit-asit bainee, rahee jyaun bhuvangam dabee ||
inakau peetaambar, tumhaarau neel nichol, jyon sasi kundan jeb rabi|
shree haridaas ke svaamee syaama-kunjabihaaree kee,
sobha baranee na jaaye, jo milen rasik koti kavee ||”

The divine couple, as usual, is surrounded by Sakhis in the Nikunj mahal. Sakhis are amazed to see their beauty today and one Sakhi tells other that today's beauty is unique from other days. Both of them are looking fresh and youthful. The dark complexion of Shri Krishn and the fair complexion of Radharani are lightening each other. Shri Krishn's chest is adorned with a yellow garment and Radha Rani is dressed in the blue garments and it's like red gold which is decorated with white flowers and the moon in the dark blue sky. The Sakhi’s are amazed to see such beautiful form of the duo which is indescribable. Swami Shri Hari Das Ji says, There are no words to describe this beauty, which even millions of Rasik Saints cannot describe. The Sakhis are feeling fortunate to have the glimpse of the most blissful Jori which is ever youthful.
