"Bhajo Mana Radha Radha Radha, Radha Radha radha."
O my mind! Chant only Radha, Radha, Radha continuously.
"Rasana nit rasa pivu binu badha, Nam sudha rasa radha, radha radha radha."
Use your tongue only in drinking the nectar of the sweet name of Shri Radha.
"Shravan sunahu nit leela radha, Aganit gun gana radha, radha radha radha."
Use your ears exclusively to hear the countless attributes of Shri Radha.
"Jehi harihoon avaradha, radha radha radha."
Always remember the touch of the extremely soft skin of Shri Radha’s lotus feet, which does Shri Krishna adore always.
"Nainan dhyan nitya chhavi radha, Lakhhu jitei tita radha, radha radha radha."
Remember Shri Radha ceaselessly and see Her everywhere in everything to make the use of your eyes.
"Nasa dhyan karahu nit radha, Divya gandh tanu radha, radha radha radha."
Use your nose to remember the divine aroma of Shri Radha’s body.
"Mana dharu dhyan rain din radha, Jehi chhavi sama chhavi radha, radha radha radha."
Remember the beautiful divine form of Shri Radha day and night, since there is no beauty in the entire universe, which is parallel to her beauty.
"Budhi prateeti drinha ika din radha, Apanaihein mohin radha, radha radha radha."
Have firm faith, one day merciful Shri Radha would positively accept you as her own.
"Prem akam rahe nit radha, Sukh manahu sukh radha, radha radha radha."
It is very important to comprehend, your love for her should be unconditionally unselfish and your happiness should be the happiness of Shri Radha.
"Chahahu “Kripalu” kripa jo radha, Krishnahu bhaju sang radha, radha radha radha."
O my mind! If you really wish to achieve the divine grace of Shri Radha Rani, you must adore Shri Krishn as well. So Always remember the Yugal Sarkar (Radha & Krishn).
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