"Ham chakar kunja viharini ke."
We are the eternal servants of Kunja Viharini (Shri Radha).
"Darat na dar rukmini vallabha aru, shri rukmini avatarini ke."
We are neither afraid of Shri Krishna, supreme God, nor of Rukmini, who is the descension of the Goddess, Mahalakshmi.
"Mukti char manuhar karat pai, jaun na dhing jag tarini ke."
The four types of mukti that liberate ignorant souls from the grip of mayic bondage are eagerly waiting in their personified forms to be accepted by us as servants, but we do not acknowledge them, even by accident.
"Nitya vihar lakhaun gahavar van, saras raas-ras karini ke."
Instead, in the divine forest, Gahvaravana, we continuously enjoy watching Shri Radha shower the nectarean bliss of divine love in Her eternal pastimes.
"Bali alamast nam gun gaun, sharanagat bhaya harini ke."
We remain ever-intoxicated in divine love bliss while singing the names and attributes of Shri Radha. She eternally dispels all the fears of the souls who are surrendered to Her.
"Juthani khaun ‘Kripalu’ jaun bali, nit neelambar-dharini ke."
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji says, “I feel beside myself with joy while eating the prasad of Shri Radha, who is ever dressed in blue.”
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