"Surtaru, Nagari, Neh Nidhaan, Shyama Sharan Main Teri" - Pada By Swami Shri Bhagwat Rasik Ji.

"Surtaru, Nagari, Neh Nidhaan, Shyama Sharan Main Teri”
Oh Radha, You are the protector of all the Rasik Saints and personified form of Grace. I am under your protection.

"Asharan - Sharan Haran Bhav-Baadha Saadha Purvan Meri"
The protector of the orphans, the ultimate goal of all the destitute souls, All my hopes are confined to you alone.

"Karunakar Karuna Karu Herao, Dhai Bharam Ki Dheri”
Please cast your merciful sidelong glance upon me and dispels my illusion and fear.

"Bhagavat Jan Ki Jaani Bedana, Chhedhan Karau Saberi"
In the words of Shri Bhagwat Rasik, Oh Shri Radha, You are the one who knows the actual agony of a soul, who will bother to look except you. Why don't you bless me and remove my all of the obstructions to have your grace
- Bhagwat Rasik Ki Vani By Shri Bhagwat Rasik
